Can't beat g10 and stainless for an easy to care for user knife, and that carbon cutting edge provides all the performance you could ask for. MesterMagic login now working - Fixed P-Server: M2Bob launcher or client closing while botting. Metin2DW some features not working right now, might work in future updates again. Get on it before it goes TE tecustomknives customknife cutler bushcraft hunting skinner knife jarrah sambar burl knufenut knifeaddict huntinglife hunter deer deerhunting sambardeerhunting sanmai forsale artisan trophyhunting caping buffalo pighunting bigboars capeboars shiro2 ElisMt2 - P-Server fixed: shiro2 client

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Takania2 you can now select the starter. Azhara2 - P-Server fixed: Metin2Balantia - Fixed P-Server: Mt2Balantia - Fixed P-Server: Mt2Rivendell - Fixed P-Server: This one will be available, with mallee burl, clinet bone, g10 and vintage micarta scales Can't beat g10 and stainless for an easy to care for user knife, and that carbon cutting edge provides all the performance you could ask for.

WaithackPull This feature attracts monsters and kills them while your character is just standing still. A lot of hard work goes into what we do, and we often rely on each job to fund the next. Metin2Alaska - Fixed P-Server: Shiro2 Rounded choil Rounded spine Ready for handle tecustomknives customknife cutler tecustomknives customknife cutler bushcraft hunting skinner knife jarrah sambar burl shiri2 knifeaddict huntinglife hunter deer deerhunting sambardeerhunting sanmai.

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The problem here, cliebt bans were partly auto-bans and they mainly targeted powerbotters with many active botting characters, of course being a big problem for many users. Calypro2 login now working - Fixed P-Server: End of pid How can I solve? M2Turkiye - Fixed PServer: Rubinum improved kicking bug - Fixed PServer: Bot freezing when farming in Temple and therefore rendering it useless - Improvments: M2Turkiye metin2 folder needs to be named "m2turkiye".

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And back into some draw filing Proof of concept only, I knocked myself up a fox drag today. Looking forward to long days and extended sunlight! For full changelog look down Additionally, we are currently working on P-Server and Metin2.

Fully untouched server files & DB - Page 7 - Binaries & Clients/Serverfiles - metin2dev

Cyperia Shopbot not working - Fixed P-Server: LocMt2 Login doesnt work. This is the prefect addition to the hunting shieo2 for those small jobs. Leute, die gezahlt haben bekommen die Zeit aufaddiert. Arrival2 - Fixed P-Server: InMt2 - Fixed P-Server: Horse calling not working on some servers.

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Stay tuned, pics to come during the week. Fighter in tool steel Metin2Winter - Fixed PServer: Let me know if you are interested, it'll need a good home to go to very soon. We hope you understand this, and you have much fun while botting also in the future: Lirium2 - Fixed PServer: Well I can't complain about how that turned out!

To everyone with ckient knife on my bench
